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Follow Al on his cross country bike tour!
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Day 17 Memorial Day 2009-05-25
Scores from the "I don't have the ability to describe the beauty of the high desert in New Mexico" bike tour.
Reaching the 1000 mile mark: Outstanding
Mountain horses coming down the desert to gallop along side us: Worth the price of the trip
109 miles in the desert heat: Cruel and Unusual punishment.
104 miles with only one store,gas station etc at the 75 mile mark: Cruel and Unusual Punishment.
Having to climb the wall at the 67 mile mark: Cruel and Unusual Punishment.
Breakfast in the hotel this morning. Unfit for human consumption.
Dinner at the Pizza House: Not fit for human consumption. I'm headed to the 7/11 for something to eat.
The amount of oxygen at 4000ft as opposed to 7000ft: Thank you
Five miles out of Las Vegas, NM we stopped at the 1000 mile mark and had a ceremony. As we rode out together 7 horses raced down the slope and galloped along with us for over a mile. Magnificent, Simply magnificent. The desert was beautiful with ranches that had to be 10s of thousand of acres in size. Signs at the entrances would say something like ranch 5 miles down the dirt roads. There was no traffic and no commercial activity at all. At the first SAG at 27 miles I hooked up with Willie and we rode the next 81 miles together. He is a great rider and a most interesting fellow. Past CFO of Nextel. At the 100 mile mark he sees Jim and Peter up ahead and we blast off and catch them. Two other riders reached the hotel before us. I will pay for this tomorrow. 96 miles to Dalton, Texas.
Tuncumcari means Lookout in Comanche.
 Road kill
 109 miles looks like and is a long way on a bike.
 We had these views most of the day.
 Another spectacular descent. Messages | 109 days on the Iron Curtain ride! That's one-third of a year in Eastern Europe. I want more suggestions for rides in France and Switzerland from vineyard to vineyard. Sent 2009-05-26 from Roddy to Monica and Dan | Looks like you are about to enter No Man,s Land. Dalton, Boise City, and those towns were once the High Plains grasslands supposrting millions of Bison. Then the Indians were moved out, settlers plowed the grass, planted wheat, got more rain than usual and thrived for ten years during the 20,s. Then wheat prices fell, the rain stopped , the winds were ceaseless, and the dust bowl years took away the top soil, and the settlers. I'd like to see it as you are, but will look for your description of the land as it now is. Glad you survived the mountains. I trust you are now in the rhythm of the trip and are euphoric for a few minutes each day. Sent 2009-05-26 from Ron Bogdasarian | Congratulations at the 1000 mile mark, and remember you
only have to spend one day in Texas. Sent 2009-05-26 from Ellen | At first I was going to comment just that it was at the 1000 mile mark that I ate pavement leading to a trip back to the Las Vegas emergency room last year. Your picture forces me to relate that one of the women of XC08 thought everyone was gathering around roadkill when they were actually attending to me. Out of such stories comes a handle. Also now that you are past Tucumcari, I will point out that it was at the Pizza Hut or whatever that about 15 members of XC08 got food poisoning. Consider yourselves lucky if you got out alive. Hang in there and keep on enjoying yourselves. I'm reliving the trip through you. Sent 2009-05-26 from Ron (Roadkill ) from XC08 | the experience with the horses sounds amazing.
i saw an enormous porcupine dangling from a tree the other day, not the same, though. Sent 2009-05-26 from deet | Keep going! I bet your having a blast on the road. Think of it this way, you could be at work. Sent 2009-05-26 from barbararojas@satx.rr.com | Al,
At least I didn't see a buzard when you were on your back at the 1000 mile mark! Sent 2009-05-26 from Jim Lentini | Congrats Al! Your over a quarter of the way there according to the fourth graders. Close to a third and through the mountains. We're all rooting for you. Sent 2009-05-26 from rob | Al, were any of the 7 horses that races down to see you members of your group, or do the thoroughbreds only stay on the roads?
Have you ridden with the back of the pack riders yet? They might be interesting, too! Sent 2009-05-26 from Larry | Al:
On our last few runs, we have been discussing your ride. We figure that you are on now 1/3 through the trip and your mind must be wondering to what challenge you will take on next. We were thinking about mountain climbing without safey gear? Everest without oxygen?
Keep it up and we all look forward to learning about what comes next for you.
I just noticed that you will spend a week in Kansas. YIKES! Sent 2009-05-26 from Pat Shields | I just got back from my bike camping trip, and whenever we felt tired, or like we'd biked SO far, we thought about you and it put it all in perspective. Loving the blog, keep it up Dad! Sent 2009-05-25 from Katie | Al, I get my meals from 7/11 all the time when Anna is out of town. Chef Boyardee is an amazing cook. Good luck in Texas. Look out for wild armadillo's along the side of the road. I hear they sneak up on you. Sent 2009-05-25 from Darin | We are so glad that the training for your next ride is going so well. The Iron Curtain Ride begins in mid June... 4,250 miles that traces the route of the old Iron Curtain through 20 countries.... info in the Sunday NYT.... You get to go for 109 days for a mere 16,000 dollars, but it includes a custom-made KOGA-MIYATA trekking bike!! Sent 2009-05-25 from Dan and Monica | We are so glad that the training for your next ride is going so well. The Iron Curtain Ride begins in mid June... 4,250 miles that traces the route of the old iron curtain through 20 countries.... info in the Sunday NYT.... You get to go for 109 days for a mere 16,000 dollars, but it includes a custom-made KOGA-MIYATA trekking bike!! Sent 2009-05-25 from Dan and Monica | How cool is that!?! Any pics of the horses? Sent 2009-05-25 from 60 | Dang Al, who's the skinny sun worshiper masquerading as roadkill? Guess the escort today confirms your thoroughbred status. What does it indicate when the local wildlife use you for entertainment? Congratulations on reaching the 1000 mile mark, and best wishes on the next kilo.
NDJ4TB: Thoroughbred Bonding Sent 2009-05-25 from Chip and Carol | Al, I'm glad to see you wore your special argyle shorts for this momentous occasion. Sent 2009-05-25 from Dave M. |